Join the Fight Against ALS: Collaborate, Learn, and Make a Difference


New member
Apr 8, 2024
Learn about ALS
Hi everyone,

We're developing a free web app to accelerate ALS research by making the latest scientific knowledge accessible and enable collaboration to find effective treatments.
Our web app is designed to empower you with the latest knowledge on ALS research progress, including the challenges in finding treatments, the mechanisms of the disease, what has been tried, and ongoing efforts. Now it has over 100 pages, and we would like to make it as easy to learn as possible. If you would like to learn the cutting-edge research and drug development for ALS, please explore our alpha test website (Explore).
But we need your help. We believe that by harnessing the collective intelligence of the ALS community and beyond, we can make significant strides in understanding and treating this devastating disease. So please contribute your ideas and comments. Your unique perspective and contributions can help shape the future of ALS research.
We're in the early stages, and we need your help to improve. As an alpha tester, your feedback will be invaluable in shaping the platform to better serve the ALS community.
Join us in making science more accessible and collaborative. Together, we can change the course of ALS research and bring hope to those affected by this devastating disease.
Welcome to explore our website and comment, you can be part of the solution and your participation matters. If you have any feedback, please let us know via email [email protected] .
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