I'm sorry you're still waiting to hear back from that neuro, this whole thing is such a puzzle, and I feel like you may be missing valuable time that could be spent starting treatment, if it is something that will respond. I know he's probably so tired of doctors and that whole scene, but have you considered asking for a referral to Johns Hopkins?
About cars and men...
My ex-husband when he was newly my "ex", advised me, urged me in fact to buy a used Renault. Anyone who knows anything about their reliability (which I obviously didn't and he did) would know that is the last car someone should buy. It had more problems, even scary electrical ones, brakes suddenly failing ones, you name it, its a miracle I survived the divorce just due to what I was driving.
and dates .... there was this guy I met at a car rental place, I was there because my Renault was once again not in running condition. (I am not kidding) He seemed nice and fairly normal, I went out with him maybe two or three times.
Then one morning I open up the newspaper.
Wait ~ back story ~ I was living in Pittsburgh (GO STEELERS!) but not a native of there, wasn't all that familiar with local history. SO, I open up the newspaper one morning ... and yes, I see that pattern here, local new, paper,...but actually this happened before the dentist and the poison dart episode by several months.
.... I open the newspaper, and there is a retrospective of the Pittsburgh Pirates cocaine scandal of 1985, that had taken place ten years before. My latest dating interest had his picture plastered right on the front page, with the 7 ball players as he was one of their drug dealers and had cut a deal and plead guilty to several felony counts.:-|